Infocentrum Město Tábor Žižkovo náměstí 2
Kod pocztowy:
390 15
00420/381 486 230-4
49°24’50.87”N 14°39’28.38”E
http://www.visittabor.eu, http://fb.me/mutabor.cz
-4 °C
4 °C
Przeważnie słonecznie
0 °C
6 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
0 °C
9 °C
Częściowo słonecznie
1 °C
7 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
0 °C
6 °C
Lekki deszcz ze śniegiem
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erb erb

In 1420, the Hussites from the nearby town of Ústí founded a fortifi ed town with the biblical name Tábor on the site of the original Přemyslid Hradiště. The city is inherently connected with the Hussite movement and Jan Žižka of Trocnov, whose statue dominates the Žižka Square. In the late Gothic town hall there is located the Hussite Museum with a permanent exhibition “Hussites” and the entrance to the famous underground passages. Guests can also visit a Lego museum with unique models, an eerie underground, the museum of chocolate and marzipan with a marzipan model of square, ZOO Tábor, Klokoty pilgrimage site or the medieval openair museum Housův mill and many others. View of the city from the height of the lookout tower off ers the dean’s church and the lookout tower Hýlačka. Visit Tábor all over the year, when e.g. in August the international festival of street theatre The Comedians in the Streets is happening, in September the international historical festival Tábor Meetings takes place here.