Regionální turistické informační centrum Turnov, 5. května 26
Kod pocztowy:
511 01
00420/484 803 041
50°35’12.21”N 15°9’17.21”E
http://www.infocentrum-turnov.cz, http://www.turnov.cz
-3 °C
4 °C
Przeważnie słonecznie
0 °C
3 °C
Zachmurzenie całkowite
1 °C
6 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
2 °C
6 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
0 °C
5 °C
Słabe opady deszczu
Informacje w języku polskim nie jest dostępna.

Turnov – the heart of the Bohemian Paradise on the banks of the Jizera River
The city is proud of its long-standing stone and jewelry tradition. Turnov is home to the Granát art production cooperative, a traditional manufacturer of jewelry with Czech garnets. Granát, d.u.v. Turnov has its customer center and gallery on the Český ráj (Bohemian Paradise) Square. Nearby is the Ulička řemesel (the Lane of Crafts), where skilled jewelers and other artisans bring their crafts to visitors and off er interesting and original products. The museum of the Bohemian Paradise is also worth a visit with engaging exhibitions, including a mineralogical exhibition or an exhibition on mountaineering. Turnov is not only a stone town, thanks to its location it
is also an excellent starting point for tourists, climbers and cyclists to the entire Bohemian Paradise. There are several rock towns, castles and chateaux almost at your fi ngertips. For example, Valdštejn Castle, located on the edge of the Hruboskalsko rock town, enchants visitors with its beautiful chapel and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.